A Cloud and Its Shadow
05 September 2007


Fig (1)
A Cloud and Its Shadow
The photo shows a beautiful pattern of crepuscular rays and cloud shadows over Alexandria, Egypt. A lengthy shadow of a small cloud is stretching in the sky to the upper left of the image.
Photo by Aymen Ibrahem, Senior Astronomy Specialist

On 4 September 2007, BA Senior Astronomy Specialist, Aymen Ibrahem, was observing the Sun, which was declining in  the Western horizon. Beautiful low-altitude clouds were drifting in the sky. Ibrahem recorded interesting images of the fascinating patterns of crepuscular rays and cloud shadows that resulted due to the passage of clouds in front of the Sun.

Crepuscular rays are beams of sunlight, diverging from gaps or breaks in the clouds. They are often separated by dark cloud shadows. Near sunrise or sunset, crepuscular rays are more pronounced, as the contrast between light and shadow is stronger.


Fig (2)

A Close-up of fig (1)

Photo by Aymen Ibrahem, Senior Astronomy Specialist


Ibrahem took numerous images recording the spectacular beams and shadows that flickered over Alexandria. Interestingly, a sequence of the photos shows a small cloud with its lengthy shadow stretching in the sky. In another picture, a rose-ringed parakeet crossed the view.



Fig (3)
A rose-ringed parakeet parrot is crossing the view of crepuscular rays.
Photo by Aymen Ibrahem, Senior Astronomy Specialist


Ibrahem continued the observation through evening twilight, as the clouds were glowing in wonderful hues of yellow, orange and crimson, but they faded in about 30 minutes after sunset.

Picture Gallery



Fig (4)
Crepuscular Rays and Cloud Shadows
Photo by Aymen Ibrahem, Senior Astronomy Specialist



Fig (5)
Expansive Cloud Shadows
Photo by Aymen Ibrahem, Senior Astronomy Specialist



Fig (6)
Crepuscular Rays and Cloud Shadows of Various Sizes
Photo by Aymen Ibrahem, Senior Astronomy Specialist


Further Reading
Golden Sunrise over Cairo
Planets Parade over Farm

Aymen Mohamed Ibrahem
Senior Astronomy Specialist

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