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Supporting women entrepreneurs : the NAPA programme in Quang Binh

Document type: report
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Abstract: The Women’s Union of Vietnam is a country-wide organisation with a broad outreach throughout the rural areas, where about 75% of women are members. In 1997 the Women’s Union, together with SNV, established a programme in Quang Binh province to promote non-agricultural product activities (NAPA) that would enable its members to earn extra incomes. SNV advisors assist the Women’s Union in setting up and running the programme at district and commune levels, using local trainers and consultants. About 120 Women’s Union staff are involved part-time in the NAPA programme. SNV’s support to the programme consists of three components: (1) setting up a microfinance system, establishing a training system for programme staff and participants, and offering information and business linkages that will enable the women to access markets elsewhere within the province and occasionally even overseas; (2) establishing a training system, including curriculum development, the production of course materials, and organising and facilitating ‘training of trainers’ courses for the staff of the Women’s Union; and (3) improving access to markets within Quang Binh province and beyond. This includes providing information about prices, markets and the demand for products, and forming business linkages with larger enterprises and traders outside the province.
Authors: Wellen, L.
Series Title: Market Access for the Poor
Country: Viet Nam
Category: Policy
Keywords: women , enterprises , credit , rural development
Language: eng
Organization: SNV - Netherlands Development Organisation
PAGE: [5]
Place: [The Hague]
Publisher: SNV
Year: 2004
Region: Southeast Asia
Right: © 2004 SNV
Subject: Economic Development and Trade
Title: Supporting women entrepreneurs : the NAPA programme in Quang Binh

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