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Kansen grijpen : Nederlandse mogelijkheden om de ongelijke spreiding van zorgpersoneel wereldwijd te verbeteren

Document type: report
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Abstract: The Dutch Alliance for Human Resources for Health is concerned about the global maldistribution of human resources for health (HRH), which particularly affects the health of people in developing countries. This publication presents measures, composed by the Alliance, to be taken by Dutch actors to improve the distribution of health staff across countries. The Dutch Alliance brings together a wide range of actors of the health and development cooperation sectors in the Netherlands: non-governmental organizations (NGOs), health professional organizations, labour unions, research institutions, HRH consultants, and other actors involved in the global shortage and international recruitment of health personnel. The Alliance joins forces and expertise, and aims to explore and promote policies and actions that are required for sufficient health staff and for strengthening health systems worldwide. This publication is to inspire Dutch stakeholders involved in training, recruitment, retention, and employment of health personnel to collaborate and undertake tailor-made actions, which jointly constitute a substantial Dutch contribution to global health.
Note: Red. en vert. uit het Engels: A.M. Doppenburg
Authors: Jansen, C.
Country: Netherlands
Category: Policy
Keywords: health services , human resource management , policy
Language: nld
Organization: Wemos Foundation
PAGE: 23
Place: Amsterdam
Publisher: Stichting Wemos
Year: 2011
Region: Europe
Right: © 2011 Stichting Wemos
Subject: Health and Nutrition
Title: Kansen grijpen : Nederlandse mogelijkheden om de ongelijke spreiding van zorgpersoneel wereldwijd te verbeteren

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