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Enhancing community commitment : lessons from a civil society project strengthening government-led cash transfer programme

Document type: article
Download file(s): 464179 (991 KB)
Abstract: The Government of Malawi, alongside development partners, initiated the Malawi Social Cash Transfer (SCT) Programme in 2006, as a pilot scheme in Mchinji district, to provide small grants to ultra-poor and labour-constrained households. Currently, the SCT programme covers seven districts and reaches over 26,000 households and approximately 103,000 individuals.
Authors: Marimo, N. , Hart, D. 't , Loevinsohn, M.
Country: Malawi
Category: Practice
End Page: 15
Serial number: 3
ISSN: [1871-7551]
Journal: Exchange on HIV/AIDS, sexuality and gender
Keywords: civil society , empowerment , finance , poverty
Language: eng
Organization: KIT - Royal Tropical Institute
Year: 2012
Region: East Africa
Right: © 2012 KIT
Subject: Social and Political Change
Start Page: 14
Title: Enhancing community commitment : lessons from a civil society project strengthening government-led cash transfer programme