Vervain has a
very mixed tradition so that by some authorities it is completely ignored whilst others
praise it most highly. It has been used widely as relaxant and antispasmodic with a
variety of application such as asthma, and migraine, insomnia, convulsion, and nervous
coughing. These traditions are supported by the observation that verbenalin, one of the
constituents, has a direct action on smooth muscle tissue, and has potential blood
pressure – lowering effect. There is the indication that the aforesaid component acts
directly on the nerves of the autonomic system.
Incidentally, vervain is an excellent dental remedy, it has been used for treating
infected gums and tooth decay very widely, as also for bad breath and sore throats, this
tradition has been supported by the experimental finding that verbenin, a natural product
of vervain, has a direct effect on glandular secretions, suggesting an effect on the
production of saliva.
From all these tradition it is possible to extract a useful working concept by which to
use vervain, one that is backed up by clinical experience recently, in brief, one would
suggest its use as a relaxant. Some syndromes that include such a combination of
circumstances are migraine and other head aches, spastic colon, eczema, gallstones,
intermittent fevers, urinary infections and stones, neuralgic conditions, and a large
number of infective conditions leading to fever, this list could be extended if medical ,
pharmacology , and the science students around the world would have taken further
investigations and research on this useful remedy. |