Erik Thomsen


  • Erik Thomsen has over 20 years of industry experience creating cutting edge analytical software technologies ranging from multidimensional databases and analytical visualization to natural language understanding and image recognition as well as the commercial applications they support in addition to providing high level consulting to technology consumers, vendors, industry organizations and government agencies.
  • All of his work in information science and technology is grounded in a unified approach to the foundations of mathematics, logic and language - something he developed and published on in peer - reviewed publications during the 1980s.
  • His reference book OLAP Solutions: Building Multidimensional Information Systems 2nd edition is used around the world in both graduate computer science and MBA courses.
  • He was awarded one the fundamental patents behind the business intelligence (or decision support) industry for the creation of multi level hierarchies with indicators that support different calculation states across those hierarchies - something fundamental to nearly all sustainability reporting applications and has started (and sold) several technology companies along the way.
  • He is a world authority in the field of multidimensional information systems, in addition to being a well recognized expert across numerous information technology domains and their theoretical underpinnings, as well as in integrated socio-economic environmental reporting.
  • For over 25 years his research in information science & technology has been driven by a passion to solve tough problems in sustainable development.
  • During the early 1990s as an aggregation specialist for the World Bank, Erik designed the software models for numerous national and sub national integrated socio-economic-environmental indicator systems. He also designed the logic for how the Bank aggregates irregular data for the World Bank's system of national accounts (SNA).
  • Prior to his current affiliations, with Minds Eye software a company that is producing a new generation of semantic technologies and TrueVue Solutions a company that solves sustainability-oriented information problems.
  • Erik was distinguished scientist at Hyperion Solutions a major BI vendor (now a part of Oracle).
  • He is still affiliated with DSSlab which provides decision support and enterprise software consulting/solutions.
