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May 2008 Diabetes Supercourse Newsletter

Diabetes Supercourse Newsletter

May 2008


Dear Friends,


So when was the last time you checked our website for new lectures? We now have 132 lectures!

You can see the entire list of lectures here. What is most exciting is the complete Nigel Paneth course, Introduction to Epidemiology. It is a fascinating group of 20 lectures which aims at making basic epidemiology education easier for both the teacher and the student. We have started translating this set of lectures into Arabic which will also be posted on our website.


“Knowledge is and will be produced in order to be sold, it is and will be consumed in order to be valorized in a new production: in both cases, the goal is exchange. Knowledge ceases to be an end in itself, it loses its Use-value.” - Jean François Lyotard (1924-1998), French philosopher.


Though for our world today, we believe not for knowledge to be sold, only to be shared and exchanged, at no cost; we believe in the right of “free access to knowledge”. We have therefore made the first 100 lectures now available on CDs (at no cost) to help reach a wider group of users. We have distributed many, and are hoping to reach every country in the Middle East and North Africa Region. To broaden the outreach, we will be distributing them to academic faculties, academic institutions, and diabetes-related organizations. If your organization is interested in receiving these CDs, or if you are interested in helping us distribute them in your country to the various diabetes stakeholders, please contact or This CD is a gift that is meant to be given, meaning that we would like to ask those of you who will receive it to distribute the CDs to at least five others.


More new lectures:


What is Driving the Diabetes Epidemic in India?

Viswanathan Mohan


The Global Burden of Diabetes and the WHO Response to Face the Challenge

Gojka Roglic 


Are you passionate about a certain field of diabetes that you would like to share with us?


Have you been recently involved in a study with interesting findings that you would like to spread?


 Is there a solid message through your years of experience in diabetes that you would like to give out?


We want to work together bridging the gaps of knowledge in our Region. Help us do that by sharing your knowledge and expertise on diabetes with other scientists and experts of the world. (For sending us your lectures, please contact or         


Please pass this on to your friends!



Diabetes Supercourse Team


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