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Etat des lieux de la foresterie communcautaire et communale au Cameroun

Document type: report
Download file(s): 442092 (1682 KB)
Abstract: In Cameroon two types of community forestry can be distinguished, in community and council forest. A community forest (forêt communautaire, < 5,000 ha) is part of the non-permanent forest estate (agro-forestry field) with a management agreement between the community and the minister in charge of forests. A council forest (forêt communale) forms part of the permanent forest estate and requires classification on behalf of the concerned council. In spite of important progress since the installation of the 1994 Forest Law which provided a favourable framework for decentralized forestry and the participation of local actors, constraints remain for the implementation of community forestry. This publication provides a thorough analysis of community forestry in Cameroon, a strategy of the government to improve local livelihoods. It describes the strengths and weaknesses of the establishment and management of community and council forests, evaluates the long term impacts and gives recommendations to improve legislation and implementation processes of community forestry to better involve local people and improve their livelihoods.
Note: With English abstract
Authors: Cuny, P.
Country: Cameroon
ISBN: 978-90-5113-104-8
Keywords: communities , forestry , government
Language: fra
Organization: Tropenbos International
PAGE: xviii, 109
Place: Wageningen
Publisher: Tropenbos International Programme du bassin du Congo
Year: 2011
Region: Africa South of Sahara , Central Africa
Right: © 2011 Tropenbos International Programme du bassin du Congo
Subject: Environment and Natural Resources
Title: Etat des lieux de la foresterie communcautaire et communale au Cameroun

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