2 Lectures about Ancient Ashourian Culture
12 Feb 2019 - 13 Feb 2019

 The first lecture entitled "Wooden Cuneiform Writing Plates in the Modern Assyrian Period", presented this subject for the first time ever. It is common knowledge that cuneiform inscriptions were written on stones or on clay. The lecture discussed how to write cuneiform on wooden boards of about 15 x 30 cm lengths. The writer first digs the text on these wooden panels and then makes a mixture of wax and lime. These wood panels were engraved with cuneiform inscriptions, and after drying, they are used as templates for writing afterwards.

The second lecture, entitled "The Epic of Gilgamesh Originality and Influence," deals with the cultural aspects that can be derived from that epic. The author of the epic wanted to express his feelings while writing the epic; therefore, it deals with many aspects of civilization and life, and the difference between the Bedouin and civilization, as well as the difference between life.  

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