Why Hellenistic Studies ?

Why Hellenistic Studies ?

The Hellenistic world comprises of a profitable and crucial case of study. In the present day, often described with terms such as globalization and universalism, different cultures and societies coexist and interact with each other all over the world, creating new universal codes of cultural contact and identities. Sometimes this phenomenon seems threatening to people as nobody knows what will be the result or what comes after: will be positive or negative?

In this respect, the Hellenistic period provides a fruitful experience. It was after the death of Alexander the Great that the eastern Mediterranean experienced same sort of an ancient globalization and cosmopolitanism. A series of multiethnic independent Kingdoms emerged, ruled by Greek dynasties, such as the Ptolemies, Seleucids, Antigonids etc. These kings ruled as Greeks but at the same time as traditional eastern rulers, creating and developing political, social, economic and cultural assemblage, composed by Greek (in the universal Hellenistic context) and local ingredients.


Chronological Context

 In terms of political history, the Hellenistic world is marked by two deaths. It starts with the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BCE and ends with the death of Cleopatra VII. Nevertheless, even in the Roman period, the Hellenistic experience became a powerful tool in the hands of the Mediterranean people. However, Hellenistic studies cannot be limited to the Hellenistic political time frame, but also later chronological phases should be included, reaching the era of Hypatia in the late 4th century AD, And furthermore to the beginning of the Arab rule which included the transformation of the Hellenistic science to the Arab world.


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