: English / ÚÑÈì ÚÑÈì


Prof Hassan Hussein El-Beilawy
Professor of Educational Sociology, and Secretary General of the Arab Council for Childhood and Development


Dr. Hassan obtained his PhD from the University of Pittsburgh, USA, in 1980. He was the Former Dean of the Faculty of Education, University of Banha, Zagazig, Former Dean, Faculty of Education, UAE University, Former Director of the National Center for Examinations and Educational Evaluation, Deputy Minister of Education, Former Head of the Education Sector in Egypt, and a Consultant and an Expert in international organizations.

He has published several researched and publications in the field of Educational Sociology, among which are: "The Reform of Education in the Third World" (1988), "School Sociology" (1992), "Cultural Development and Enlightenment" (co-authorship) (2004), "Quality in Education"(2006), and "Contemporary Educational Sociology"(2011).

Senior Researcher of the Arab Knowledge reports: (Second Arab Knowledge Report for the year 2010/2011), and (Third Arab Knowledge Report for the year 2013/2014), published by the UNDP and the Mohammed Bin Rashid Institution for Development. He is also a Member of the Egyptian Writers’ Union, and a member in a number of specialized Arab and international academic associations.



Presentation Abstract

The Arab Council for Childhood and Development Initiative for the Rehabilitation and Integration of Street Children "I Choose Hope"

The Arab Council for Childhood and Development is implementing a project for rehabilitation and reintegration of street children, "I choose to hope". It is a current informal educational project using arts in Egypt with the support of the Arab Gulf Program for Development "AGFUND", and in partnership with the Ministry of Social Solidarity, the Ministry of Education, and other partners.

The project is based on a vision stating that the rehabilitation and integration of street children in a dignified human life; in development paths; hope, self-discovery, development of life skills for social integration qualification; is a children's right approved by international conventions, Arab conventions, and the Egyptian constitution. This right is a key factor in children upbringing based on social justice and on building effective and enlightened human capital.

The project views the art as a vital entry to awaken the child’s personality, and is a way to deepen the child’s awareness of the surrounding world. Hence, various arts are utilized in self-building, and in the rehabilitation of children through specialists who carry out the follow-up process and training of children on those arts, including music, theater, painting, sculpture and puppetry.

The implementation of the project is based on the rehabilitation of children through promoting respect for the child, development of knowledge, educational and financial empowerment, and the establishment of empowering environments through legislation and governance of sheltering institutions, and networking between all parties concerned of the issue of street children. This is in addition to capacity building of those working with street children to ensure success and continuity of children integration, as well as lobbying and advocacy to build a new culture to reach the integration in specific paths educationally, professionally, or technically to achieve total social integration.