: English / ÚÑÈì ÚÑÈì


Mrs Ingrid Bon
Senior Advisor Reading, Learning, Informing, Rijnbrink


Ms. Ingrid has almost 40 years of experience in public libraries, and she is a specialist in services for children and young adults. She is active in several working groups on a national level. She was a member of City Council 2002–2014, and a trainer of LIS in Netherlands, as well as other countries, such as Peru and Uruguay.

She has presented several papers at international congresses (e.g. South Korea, Toronto, Uruguay, Peru, South Africa).

Currently, she is the Chair of the Library Services for Children and Young Adults Section at IFLA, and has just ended full-term of Governing Board membership.



Presentation Abstract

Children’s Literature as Windows to the World

The world is a very interesting place to discover, and by growing up, a child learns new things every day. At first, close to home, and then together with its family, he explores the neighborhood, the city, and its surrounding.

Reading a book, playing games, using apps, listening to stories are like opening a window that gives you a view to another world. One can travel to other countries in ones fantasy. However, it also gives a view to yourself and your inner world.

What do we know about the taste of children? How can libraries help them in developing a personal taste? What is the responsibility of schools, preschools, and parents? And where can libraries play an important role?

Is society taking children and teens for granted, or do we take them seriously?

How can the library work together with schools, parents, and society?