The BA Mourns Yunan Labib Rizk

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Alexandria— Dr. Yunan Labib Rizk, Prominent Egyptian Historian passed away on 15 January 2008, at the age of 74.

Dr. Yunan was born on 27 October 1933. In 1963, he obtained a Bachelor of Arts, Department of History, Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, and a Master and Doctorate in Modern History from the same university in 1967.

Dr. Yunan was the Head of Modern History Department in the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University; and was also appointed a member of the History Committee of the Supreme Council for Culture. Dr Yunan received numerous awards and medals, including State Incentive Award in Social Sciences in 1995, and Mubarak’s Award for Social Sciences in 2004.

It is worth mentioning that Dr. Yunan was a member of the History, Geography and Antiquities Committee, one of the BA specialized Advisory Committees. He reviewed the scientific material of two books, which will be published by the BA: "The Egyptian Shura Council" and a catalogue entitled "The Egyptian People’s Assembly".


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