The BA Mourns the Palestinian Poet Mahmoud Darwish

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Alexandria— Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Library of Alexandria, and the BA employees mourns the loss of renowned Palestinian Poet Mahmoud Darwish.

Mahmoud Darwish was a respected Palestinian poet and author, who won numerous awards for his literary output and was regarded as the Palestinian national poet. In his work, Palestine became a metaphor for the loss of Eden, birth and resurrection, and the anguish of dispossession and exile.

He began writing poetry in primary school and was defined as one of Palestinian resistance men of letter. He was known throughout the world, since his thirty diwans were translated into over than thirty languages, and he also wrote eight book.

Darwish was awarded a number of prizes, including: The Lotus Prize in 1969; The Lenin Peace Prize in 1983, from the USSR; Prince Claus Awards in 2004; and Ibn Sina Prize in 1982.


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