Search results for "Arts and Multimedia Library"

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“Walking with Cavafy” Exhibition

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The BA, in cooperation with the Hellenic Foundation for Culture in Alexandria, hosts the “Walking with Cavafy” Exhibition from 20 to 30 October 2013 that is held within a series of cultural events in 2013 to celebrate the 150th anniversary of C. P. Cavafy’s birth. This visual arts exhibition ...

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Lecture on Islamic Architecture at the BA

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The BA Arts and Multimedia Library holds on Wednesday, 24 October 2012, a lecture entitled “Islamic Architecture in Relevance to Environment and Community Needs” by Dr. Heba Mahmoud Saad, Associate Professor, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Alexandria University. The lecture tackles the history and ...

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The BA Celebrates the Star of the East and the Diva of Arabic Song

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Alexandria— The BA Arts and Multimedia Library will celebrate the birthday of Om Kolthoum, the Diva of Arabic Song, on Monday 22 December 2008 at 16:00 hrs. The event commences with a presentation by the BA Arts and Multimedia Library on Om Kolthoum’s personal life. The presentation features ...

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The Anniversary of July 23rd Revolution at the BA

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Alexandria— On the occasion of the July 23rd Revolution celebrations, the BA Arts and Multimedia Library is screening 8 of the 17 files of the "Egyptian Revolution Confidential Files" TV Program. The Program was prepared, presented and directed by Tarek Habib, in which he hosted some figures, ...

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