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The Nineteenth Conference on Language Engineering

Main Conference program


Sunday, 27/9/2020








Opening Session




Session 1:

Chairman: Prof. Aly Aly Fahmi

Invited Paper1: New Trends in Developing the Human Language Technologies

Prof.  Mohsen Rashwan

Electronics& Communications Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University.





Coffee Break




Session 2:

Chairman: Prof. Salwa Al-Ramly

Invited Paper 2: Lexicon and automatic processing systems.

Prof.  Wafaa Kamel Fayed

Department of Arabic Language, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.






Session 3: Computational Linguistics (I)

Chairman: Prof. Wafaa Kamel

  1. Bibalex Arabic Linguistic Resources and Tools for Language Engineering

*†SamehAlansary, **Magdy Nagi

Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt

*Phonetics and Linguistics Department, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt

**Computer and System Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt

  1. Shallow Parsing for Automatic Arabic Text Summarization

Sameh Alansary

Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt

Phonetics and Linguistics Department, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt







Lunch Break




Session 4 (Lecture room) :Artificial Intelligence and NLP

Chairman: Prof. Mohsen Rashwan

  1. Chatbot System Architecture

Moataz Mohammed* and Mostafa M. Aref**

*Computer Science Department, Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, Ain-shams University, Cairo, Egypt.

  1. Arabic Optical Character Recognition using Sequence to Sequence Models

Mohamed Sobhi*, Yasser Hifny**, Saleh Mesbah*

*Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Alexandria, Egypt.

**University of Helwan, Cairo, Egypt.

  1. The Methodology and Uses of Whale Swarm Algorithm

Amr M Sauber*, Passent M. El-Kafrawy*,**, Amr. F. Shawish*

*Faculty of Science, Menoufia University, Egypt

**School of Information Technology and Computer Science, Nile University, Egypt






Session 5 (Small theatre): Corpus based NLP

Chairman: Prof M. Younis Elhamalawy

  1. A Critical Review of Language Resources and Tools for Arabic Sentiment Analysis.

Miramar Etman*, SamehAlansary*

*Phonetics and Linguistics Department, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt.

  1. A Pilot Study of Biber’s Model for Language Variation Detection: A Language Engineering Approach

MaramElsaadany*, SamehAlansary**

*Pharous University, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt

**Phonetics and Linguistics Department, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt.

  1. Semantic role labeling system for modern standard arabic: a rule based approach


Phonetics and Linguistics Department, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt.

4.دور القواعد اللغوية في التمييزالآلي بين معاني الحروف

خالد مصطفى أبو شبانة*، د. أحمد عبد الغني**

*قسم اللغة العربية، كلية الآداب، جامعة الإسكندرية، مصر


**قسم الصوتيات، كلية الآداب، جامعة الإسكندرية، مصر

Monday, 28/9/2020





Session 6: Artificial Intelligence

Chairman: Prof. Sameh Alansary

Invited Paper 3: Human perception vs machine interface: an overview

Prof.  Mervat Fashal

Professor in Department of Phonetics and Linguistics, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt




Session 7: Speech and Speaker Recognition

Chairman: Prof Waleed Fakhre

  1. Automatic Arabic Speaker Recognition Using Gaussian Mixture Model

Mervat Fashal*, Amna Dheif*, Aya Nabil*, Rehab Arafat*

*Phonetics and linguistics Department, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University Alshatby, Alexandria, Egypt

  1. End-to-End Arabic Speech Recognition: A Review

Abdelaziz A. Abdelhamid*, Hamzah A. Alsayadi**, IslamHegazy*, Zaki T. Fayed*

*Computer Science Department, Faculty of Computer and information Sciences, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

* *Computer Science Department, College of Computing and Information Technology, Shaqra University, Saudi Arabia




Coffee break




Session 8: Speech perception

Chairman: Prof Mervat Fashal

  1. The Perception of Arabic Vowel Length by Native and Non-native Listeners: An Experimental Investigation

Eman Kassem* and Lamyaa Tawfik*

*Phonetics and Linguistics Department, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt

  1. An Investigation of the Correlation between Perceived Pauses and Syntactic Structures

Israa Elhosiny*, Mervat Fashal*

*Phonetics and Linguistics Department, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt




Session 9: Computational Linguistics (II)

Chairman: Prof. Seham El-Qareh

  1. L’Application du Formalisme des FonctionsLexicales sur la Langue Arabe.

Racha Mohammad Salem

Département de Langue et de LittératureFrançaises, Faculté des Lettres, Universitéd’Alexandrie, Alexandrie, Egypt.

2.QuellesContraintes pour Traduire la Morphologie et la Syntaxe?

AsmaaGaafar Abdel-Rassoul

Faculte de Lettres, Universite de Menoufia




Lunch Break




Session 10: Speech Analysis

Chairman: Amr Gody

  1. قياس انفعالات الممثل الصوتية باستخدام تقنيات هندسة اللغة

د. صديقة لاشين

قسم الدراسات المسرحية-كلية الآداب-جامعة الإسكندرية


  1. The Acoustic Characteristics of Read and Spontaneous Colloquial Arabic Speech Corpora: A Pilot Study.

Rudyna Ahmed

Phonetics and Linguistics Department, Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt


  1. Syllables Classification of ASR using Hybrid Visual Features in Fixed HMM

Doaa A. Lehabik *, Amr M. Gody *, Mohamed H. Merzban*, Sameh F. Saad **

*Electrical Engineering Department, Fayoum University, Fayoum, EGYPT

**Modern Sciences and Arts University, 6 October City, Giza, Egypt


  1. Creating and Implementing ArSL Corpus for Deaf Drivers

Samah A. Abbas*, Hassanin M. Al-Barhamtoshy**, Fahad M. Al-Otaibi**

*Management Information Systems Department, Faculty of Economics and Administration, King Abdulaziz University
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

**Information Technology Department, Faculty of Computing & Information Technology, King Abdulaziz University

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia




Closing session


Workshops programs






September  26, 2020

Workshop of Automatic Linguistic Analysis, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Lecture Hall


Workshop Registration



Practices In Forensic phonetics and linguistics

Dr. Neveen Al Saeed


Coffee Break

Build an Arabic part of speech tagging using Hidden Markov Model (HMM)

12:30 – 12:45

Workshop Opening Honorary Chairman

Dr. Sameh Al-Ansary

12:45 – 13:00

Brief introduction to part of speech tagging.


13:00 – 13:30

Brief introduction to Hidden marcov model


13:30  – 14:30

Building the HMM based POS tagger from scratch


14:30 – 14:45

Testing the built model


14:45 – 15:30

Lunch Break

 Build your Parser in ten minutes.

15:30 – 16:00

Brief introduction to syntactic parsing and PCFG .


16:00 –  16:45

Brief introduction to  Penn  Arabic Tree Bank


16:45 – 17:30

Inducing grammar from (PATB)


17:30 – 17:45

Implementing a Viterbi parser usingthe induced grammar


17:45 – 18:00

Testing the accuracy of the grammar.


September  29, 2020

Workshop of Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing (NLP), AASTMT

10:00 - 11:00 Planned Arrival to Arab Academy Campus in Abu Kir


11:00 - 11:15

Workshop Opening - Honorary Chairman

Dr. Ismail Abd Al-Ghafar, AASTMT President

11:15 - 11:45

Brief Introduction to Neural Networks.


11:45 - 12:30 Distributive Representation of Texts:Word Embedding  

12:30 -13:00

Coffee Break and Networking

13:00 - 13:45

Language modeling using transformers


13:45 - 14:30

Hands on BERT (1): Grammar Checking Task


14:30 - 15:00

Hands on BERT (2): Paraphrasing Checking Task


15:00 - 15:15

Conference Closure


15:15 - 16: 15

Lunch Break


Back to Alexandrina Bibliotheca, Sidi Gaber Train Station