
South-South entrepreneurial collaboration in health biotech Paper

In recent decades, developing countries have sought to reduce their reliance on trade with the economically and politically dominant northern, r developed, countries, favoring instead South-South partnerships that synergize strengths and bolster competitiveness. Entrepreneurial firms in developing countries are increasingly aware of the opportunities in one another’s markets, as is evident from the 12.5% i ncrease in the rate of South-South trade each year.

A survey of entrepreneurial collaborations among health biotech firms in developing countries reveals a surprisingly high level of collaboration but a lack of emphasis on new or improved health biotech products and processes.This paper is addressing South-South entrepreneurial collaboration in health in detail.

TWAS-ARO activities

TWAS-ARO (The Academy of Sciences for the Developing world–Arab Regional office) is one of five regional offices established by TWAS to help decentralize the academy’s activities. TWAS-ARO represents all 22 Arab countries. In the following article, Mohamed M. El-Faham, Director of the Center for Special Studies and Programs (CSSP), and Lara Elmallakh, CSSP Research Specialist, at Bibliotheca Alexandrina, describe the activities of TWAS-ARO.

Biotechnology and Sustainable Development: Voices of the South and North

Biotechnology and Sustainable Development: Voices of the South and North

Ismail Serageldin
Gabrielle J. Persley

For a number of years, biotechnology has held out the prospect for major advances in agricultural production, but only recently have the results of this new revolution started to reach application in the field. The potential for further rapid development is, however, immense. The aim of this book is to review advances and current knowledge in key areas of biotechnology as applied to crop and animal production, forestry and food science.