Diaa El-Quosy


Former undersecretary of state, Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation.

Former deputy chairman of the National Water Research Centre.

Former chairman of the Egyptian Dredging Company.

Former Vice-President of the International Comission of Irrigation and Drainage.

Consultant for WB, UNDP, FAO, ICARDA, AOAD.

Visiting Lecturer at Cairo, Alexandria, Ain Shams, Zagazeeg, Banha universities.

More than 100 public scientific paper + reports, media articles, books.


Water and Green Economy

Water is an important element in the development process. Water is generally used for the production of food and natural fiber, industrial commodeties, fish, livestock and is also used for potable water supply, inland navigation, hydropower generation and many other purposes. However, water is not fully consumed during the utilization operations, and, therefore; return effluent in each of these cases is naturally produced. The idea behind green economy is to keep the environment clean both with respect to the water supply (incoming) and the return (drainage). The purpose of this paper is to highlight the important interventions needed to keep the water body as clean as neccesary in order to protect the environment from all possible defects. These interventions might be hard (Engineering, ? etc) or soft (Management, ? etc). The paper will discuss also the merits and disadvantages of both types of interventions trying to come up with the appropriate solutions both scientifically, technically, financially and even socially.