Serageldin Delivers Lecture at World Congress of the World Federation for Mental Health

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Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the BA, delivered a lecture titled “Searching for Balance: Mental Health in a Changing World” at the 20th World Congress of the World Federation for Mental Health, held from 16 to 19 October in Cairo, Egypt.

In his speech, Dr. Serageldin said that defining mental disorders has become quite a challenge in our world today. He stated that a person suffering from a mental disorder cannot control his behavior within the socially acceptable norms, for even these accepted norms and behavioral patterns are constantly changing with time. He also stressed that psychiatry as a field of medicine should always stay up-to-date on any societal changes so that it can benefit patients and help them achieve a balance between their behavior as individuals and the prevalent behavior patterns.

The congress discussed a number of contemporary, controversial, and challenging mental health issues while presenting over 200 new research papers from 40 countries.

Founded in 1948, the World Federation for Mental Health comprises members from all over the globe to promote mental health, prevent mental disorders, and improve the care, treatment and recovery of people with mental disorders.
