Serageldin Joins International Summit on Human Gene Editing

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Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the BA, took part in an international summit on human gene editing, co-hosted by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the UK Royal Society. Held from 1 to 3 December 2015 in Washington, USA, the summit discussed the scientific, ethical, and political issues associated with recent advances in human gene-editing research.

Dr. Serageldin delivered the opening speech entitled “Editing our Genes: From the Pursuit of Knowledge to Seeking Wisdom in Application” and he was selected to join the International Committee for Human Gene Editing, which assembled global experts to discuss the scientific, medical, and ethical considerations related to human gene editing. The committee presented its recommendations for developing the policies and frameworks governing the application of this newfound technology. The statement released by the committee also explored the scientific principles, as well as the clinical, ethical, legal, and societal repercussions of utilizing human gene editing techniques in biomedical research among other medical usages.


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