Designing a Memorial for the Martyrs of the 25th of January— Artistic Competition

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The BA announces a competition to design a freestanding memorial for the martyrs of the 25th of January. Individual Artists, groups or institutions are welcome to submit designs that express – in a contemporary artistic form – the principles and spirit of the Revolution considering the role of the BA.

Applicants should design a freestanding memorial (bas-relief) to be placed at the BA Plaza, next to the Conference Center Entrance. Artists are free to use any natural material that is suitable to the natural and architectural surrounding.

Click here to view the competition Regulations and to fill the Application Form (in Arabic). 

Deadline for receiving applications is 28 April 2011.

As part of the BA belief in societal involvement, the Library decided to set open electronic voting as part of the evaluation of selected projects nominated by the jury.


For more information, please contact Eng. Mohamed Samy, Head of Arts Project Unit, Arts Center:
Phone: (03) 4839999- Extension: 2783
