The BA Issues the French Version of the Children’s Book Ancient Alexandria

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The BA Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Center (Alex Med) released the French version of the children's book Ancient Alexandria (for children aged 8 to 12). The book aims to raise the awareness of young people about the value of ancient Alexandria as a prominent center of civilization and knowledge. It focuses on the historical period between the foundation of the city by Alexander the Great in 332 BC and the Roman occupation.

Through beautiful colored illustrations, the book takes young readers on a journey with the kings and queens of the Ptolemaic period: Ptolemy I and Ptolemy II, founders of the great library “The Mouseion”; the Pharos of Alexandria, the seventh wonder of the ancient world; and the famous Queen Cleopatra who inspired countless films and plays. The book also evokes the daily life of Alexandrians in terms of religious practices, games, arts, food, and agriculture.

An English version of the book was issued by Alex Med in 2012, followed by an Arabic version in 2019. The French edition is part of the Center's ceaseless efforts to promote the heritage and legacy of the great city of Alexandria.
