"The Flowering Delta" in an Online Lecture at the BA
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The BA Antiquities Museum and the Zahi Hawass Center of Egyptology organize an online lecture entitled “The Flowering Delta: Late Roman Towns and Settlements in Northern Egypt”. The lecture will be delivered by Dr. Penelope Wilson, Associate Professor at Durham University (UK), Department of Archaeology. The lecture will be broadcast on Monday, 7 February 2022, at 7:30 pm, via the Antiquities Museum’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Bibliotheca-Alexandrina-Antiquities-Museum-219232808274600/
The lecture sheds light on the Delta Survey Project, where over 70 archaeological sites have been surveyed in the North of Egypt (in
Kafr Elsheikh governorate). It became clear that many of these sites were active in the Late Roman period, from the 4th to 7th century AD, with some continuing into the medieval period after the Islamic Expansion.
The lecture will discuss the work done and the many interesting sites in the area. It will also explore the reasons why this area was so active during this time—whether due to earlier settlement foundations or to expansion of monastic estates—and why the settlements did not flourish until later times. From fortified towns to organized river-towns and large cities, the northern Delta was a power-house in Late Antiquity, well-connected to the east Mediterranean and North Africa. The lecture will examine the dynamics and connections of the area.
Participation in the lecture can be done using the following link, or by entering the meeting details shown below on the website: bibalex.webex.com.
Meeting link: https://bibalex.webex.com/bibalex/j.php?MTID=m55d02fa1c8daef7b3eef07d6a9795a89
Meeting number: 2371 725 6008
Password: dwB3