In cooperation with I-Act and Pro-Helevetia, the Arts Center at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, is planning a theatre project made up of 3 stages : writing workshop, acting workshop and rehearsals ending up with a performance. The performance is originally based on the short story “Al Setara” (The Curtain). The story is written by the late great Egyptian writer Youssif Idriss. This project will be directed and performed with both Swiss and Egyptian visions, due to the fact that its director is the well-known Swiss director Thea Dimasch, who intends to have a Swiss-Egyptian team working on the play. This team will transform the original short story into a play script. The play will also be performed on stage in Egypt, Switzerland and Jordan.


Event Schedule

Location Date From: To: Activity Admission
Main Building B1 - Meeting Room F 24 May - 9 June 2004 10:00 22:00 Workshop By invitation only
Main Building B1 - Meeting Room F 10 Jun 2004 10:00 22:00 Workshop Open For Public
BACC Small Theater 26 - 27 November 2004 10:00 22:00 Theater Open For Public