
LYM Session - 15 March 2009
15 March 2009


This meeting we had two presentations. The first was about “The Proper Methods of Drug Disposal”. The presenters, Moustafa Al Hawary and other students from the faculty of Pharmacy, clarified how to dispose of expired pharmaceuticals and drugs that patients and hospitals do not need. They shed light on the dangers that would result from the some of the wrong practices in this domain. The presentations talked points like how to dispose of ampoules, used syringes and solid medication without causing any harms to garbage collectors for example. 

Then, Islam El-Sayed gave a presentation entitled “A Smile of Hope”. He talked about how the community should deal with blind people and he gave some statistics about the blind. He then shed light on his personal experience and achievements. He is working on an invention of a speaking microscope that aims at making life easier for the blind.

Mrs. Layla Abdel Hady moderated the discussions after the two presentations and she then spoke about Environmental Ethics. The attendees and Mrs. Layla exchanged their comments and opinions about the topic.

The meeting ended with an announcement by Mahmoud Ismail about a visit to El-Hana House for the elderly.  Gathering will be on Friday, March 20, 2009 in front of Yehia Mosque, Al Horeya Avenue, Zinziya at 1:00 pm.