
LYM Session - 4 April 2010
04 April 2010

Our meeting today started with Dr. Salah Soliman welcoming the attendees and the new comers.  The first presentation was entitled “Counterfeit Drugs“. The presenters defined counterfeit drugs, their kinds, sources and the harms they can cause, they gave an example from HIV and anti-malaria drugs and demonstrated how these drugs look exactly like original drugs, then they showed how to detect a counterfeit drug and they discussed the role of pharmaceutical industries in guarding against counterfeit drugs and how they differentiate their products from the counterfeit and finally they stated the penalties imposed on producing such drugs.   

Then, we had a presentation entitled “Made in China" by our colleague Asmaa El Shawadfi. The presenter asked the audience about their impression towards Chinese products, and then talked about the wars that took place in China and how they affected it. Then, discussed the progress that took place in China which mainly relied on Industry and Education; where China worked on attracting investors and improving its education system and increasing the enrollment rates and decreasing illiteracy especially among women.