Articles (Wilderness)

Electronic Noses Combat Wildfires!
(Inventions and Innovations)

It is almost tradition now to see scenes of uncontrollable wildfires raging around the world every summer. What is needed is a more professional, efficient, and speedy method of wildfire detection.

Art and Coexistence with Nature
(Earth Sciences)

With the emergence of huge pollution issues, artists attempted to find solutions to preserve the environment; as such, new types of art have emerged.

Plight of the Mighty
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

10 August, World Lion Day, is a celebration of the animal kingdom’s most beautiful and fearsome creature founded by Big Cat Rescue, the world’s largest accredited sanctuary dedicated to big cats. Though a fun and exciting occasion for all, its foundations are based in a very serious matter: lion numbers have dramatically declined to the point where the species needs to be placed on the endangered list.

Galapagos Islands: Endemic Species of the Galapagos (1)
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

If you are an adventurer and a nature lover, you have to add the Galapagos Islands to your bucket list. In addition to the lack of natural predators and friendly wildlife, these Islands are teeming with a diverse array of endemic plants and animals. This means that they are not found elsewhere in the world, thanks to the geographical isolation of the Islands from other places.

Biodiversity: Why Should We Care?
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

Biodiversity is the very heart of our life. It is the extraordinary variety of living creatures and ecological communities growing and interacting with each other all over the world. 

Oh, If I Could Fly
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

Birds are on the move as annual migration is an integral part of the avian life-cycle. They fly tens of thousands of kilometers in search for more convenient ecological conditions, safer habitats, food, and mating grounds. 

The Incredibles
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

Our ecosystems consist of armies of creatures; without their presence the whole ecosystem will collapse.

Life Under Ice Does Not Take a Winter Break
(Earth Sciences)

It has always been understood that life under ice takes the winter season off, but studies have found that life under the ice is very much active.

Mountain Hares and Climate Change
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

Mountain hares suffer an untimely change of their fur color; due to climate change, the hares lost their ability to camouflage and hide from predators.

Mountains: the Road to a Sustainable Future
(Earth Sciences)

Mountains cover almost 24% of the world’s land area and exist at different elevations; they are steeper, larger, and more than 600 meters in height.

Athletic by Nature (3): Sharks Are Fast and Furious
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

Sharks can hardly be outswam, which is no wonder given their more than 400-million-year evolutionary history in the ocean.

Athletic by Nature (1): Cheetahs Are Faster than Ferrari
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

Cheetahs are built for speed, and that speed is the result of some very special aerodynamic physical attributes.

Tampering with Nature and the Rise of Pandemics
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

Diseases have come and gone, but others originated in animals have stayed; our relationship with nature is something that we need to examine.

A Make-or-Break Year for Climate Action
(Earth Sciences)

Humans are taking Earth for granted to face the biggest environmental challenge our species has ever encountered; that is global warming.

From the Brink of Extinction: Animals that Made a Comeback
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

While we know that the amount of threatened biodiversity is aplenty, there are some success stories that give us hope and serve as a real evidence of what protecting biodiversity actually looks like.

Abel: The T-Rex of Ancient Southern Continents
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

Welcome to the "Land of Death" in the Bahariya Oasis; the most dangerous place during the Cretaceous period!

Natural Habitat Loss and Its Influence on Biodiversity
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

The loss of natural habitats is the main threat to 85% of all species listed on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List—a comprehensive information source on the extinction risk of animals, fungi, and plants.

World Giraffe Day (21 June)
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

The World Giraffe Day is celebrated on 21 June; ironically, it is the same day celebrating the longest day of the year!

Be Positive! Act Now and Save the Environment!
(Earth Sciences)

What do you think is the best way to show appreciation for our planet? Actually, there are many ways to do it; just take the decision and go for it.

Do Fish Give Birth?
(Microorganism, Animal and Plant Life)

It is known that fish lay eggs, which hatch after a while outside the body of the mother; yet, are there fish that get pregnant and give birth?

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SCIplanet is a bilingual edutainment science magazine published by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Planetarium Science Center and developed by the Cultural Outreach Publications Unit ...
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