07 Mar 2013

The Center is organizing Course for teaching Coptic Language in two levels.
In this course  the Coptic language will be taught in its Sahidic Dialect, the dialect in which most known Coptic texts are written. It was the leading dialect in the pre-Islamic period and it is generally the dialect studied by learners of Coptic, particularly by scholars outside of the Coptic Church.

04 Mar 2013

The Calligraphy Center organizes a Course of teaching Ancient Quranic Kufic Script and Fatimid Kufic Script. It is one of the educational courses presented in the field of Ancient Languages and Calligraphy Studies.

25 Feb 2013

On the occasion of the "International Mother's Tongue Day", the Calligraphy Center organizes a lecture and a workshop titled "Speak and Write Arabic" on Monday, 25th of February, 2013.

13 Feb 2013

The Calligraphy Center is starting its cultural season with a seminar about the “Writings and Inscriptions in Coptic Monasteries”.
The seminar consists of two sessions given by Dr. Youhanna Nesim Yousef – Center of Early Christian Studies, Australian Catholic University, and Dr. Atef Naguib, Director of the Aswan Museum.  It will be held on Monday Feb. 18th 2013,  11:00 am - 2:30 pm at the Auditorium, Library of Alexandria’s Main Entrance.

04 Feb 2013

For the third time, BA Calligraphy Center organizes an Ancient Greek Course. It is one of the educational courses presented in the field of Ancient Languages and Calligraphy Studies.

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