Seminars & Conferences: Durrell’s Alexandria Past and Present: celebrating the 50th anniversary of Justine, the first volume of the Alexandria Quartet

This two day conference held on 29-30 November 2007 explored the celebrated British writer Lawrence Durrell, and his life and work in Alexandria. Speakers included Durrell’s daughter, Penelope Hope Durrell, Alexandrian expert Michael Haag, contemporary Alexandrian writers Ibrahim Abdel Maguid and Harry Tzalas, and the poet Peter Porter. In addition to guest speakers, a walking tour of the city was organized with detailed maps highlighting the significant areas and buildings mentioned in Justine or which were connected to Durrell himself. The conference, which was organized jointly by Alex Med, the British Council in Egypt and the British Egyptian Society, attracted significant media coverage, both local and international. A tour of Durrell’s Alexandria was organized on the second day of the conference.